Nordic collaboration on cancer patient pathways

The Nordic collaboration on cancer patient pathways is a multidisciplinary research and experience exchange network.

The aim is to inspire and to conduct multidisciplinary and cross-country comparative research of the function, impacts and effectiveness of the standardized cancer pathways that have been developed in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

Annual meeting 2024

The Annual Meeting of the Nordic Collaboration on Cancer Patient Pathways (CPP) took place at the Danish Cancer Society Copenhagen, Thursday the 14th  and Friday the 15th of November 2024.

The Danish Board of health and the Danish Cancer Society co-hosted this years meeting.

Presentations from the annual meeting 2024

Samarbete över landsgränserna ska stärka tidig diagnostik och behandling

Steering committe 


Søren Gray Worsøe Laursen, Kræftens Bekæmpelse (

Tanja Malene Popp, Sundhedsstyrelsen (TMPO@SST.DK)


Per Magnus Mæhle, Oslo universitetssjukhus, (
Sissi Leyell Espetvedt, Fagleder onkologi, Helsedirektoratet, (


Helena Brändström, PhD, Samordnare nationella vårdprogram & standardiserade vårdförlopp Regionala cancercentrum i samverkan, Sveriges kommuner och landsting, (
Ove Andrén, Professor, urolog, medicinsk sakkunnig RCC Norr, (