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Swedish anal carcinoma study

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Swedish anal carcinoma study
Swanca-studien - Jämförelse mellan behandling med fotonstrålning och protonstrålning för patienter med anal-cancer
Proton versus photon therapy in anal squamos cell carcinoma
Jämförande studie av biverkningar efter radiokemoterapi av analcancer med fotoner vs protoner
Mer information om studien för vårdgivare
Histologically confirmed squamous cell carcinoma of anal canal or distal rectum with known p16/HPV status. The patients may have TNM-stage T2(>4 cm)-4, N0-1c,M0 (UICC 8th edition). WHO/ECOG performance status 0-1.
Patient judged to have any other treatment than radiotherapy with concomitant chemotherapy as the preferred treatment. Concomitant or previous malignancies. Co-existing disease prejudicing survival.
Fas 2

Studien ändrades senast av: studysonia (2023-10-24)

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