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En randomiserad fas 2 studie av effekten av Salovum och SPC-flingor på dihydropyrimidin-orsakad mag-tarmbiverkan och tumörtryck vid tjockoch ändtarmscancer - SALFLADMET
A Randomized Phase 2 and Pilot Pharmacodynamic Trial Investigating the Effect of Salovum™ and SPC-flakes on Dihydropyrimidine Induced Gastrointestinal Toxicity and Tumour Perfusion in Colorectal Cancer
”Livsmedel för särsklida näringsändamål”. Undersöker effekten av Salovum och SPC-flingors vid biverkningar från mag-och tarmkanalen under cytostatikabehandling vid tjock-och ändtarmscancer Salovum- Specialtillverkad äggulepulver. SPC-flingor- Specialprocessade havreflingor.
Mer information om studien för vårdgivare
1. Age ≥ 18 years. 2. Histologically confirmed diagnosis of colorectal cancer. 3. Planned to start 1st line dihydropyrimidine (i e 5-FU or capecitabine) based chemotherapy in the adjuvant, neoadjuvant or palliative setting. 4. Planned duration of chemotherapy ≥ 2 months. 5. Signed informed consent.
1. Contraindications to the investigational product, e g known or suspected hypersensitivity to the investigational products or expected inability to their use in accordance with the protocol. 2. Lack of suitability for participation in the study, e g expected difficulties to follow the protocol pro
Fas 2
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Studien ändrades senast av: studysonia (2024-01-31)

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