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A Phase 3, Randomized, Open-label, Study of Subcutaneous Nivolumab + Relatlimab Fixeddose Combination versus Intravenous Nivolumab + Relatlimab Fixed-dose Combination in Participants with Previously Untreated Metastatic or Unresectable Melanoma
A Phase 3, Randomized, Open-label, Study of Subcutaneous Nivolumab + Relatlimab Fixeddose Combination versus Intravenous Nivolumab + Relatlimab Fixed-dose Combination in Participants with Previously Untreated Metastatic or Unresectable Melanoma
Randomisering mellan Subcutaneous Nivolumab + Relatlimab versus Intravenös Nivolumab + Relatlimab till patienter med tidigare obehandlad metastaserad malignt melanom
Mer information om studien för vårdgivare
Studien ändrades senast av: Mirella Wahl (2024-10-08)