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PRO Hodgkin

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PRO Hodgkin
linical investigation of PBS proton treatment in Hodgkin lymphoma patients
Clinical investigation of PBS proton treatment in Hodgkin lymphoma patients
A multicentre phase II study of PBS proton beam therapy in patients ≤60 years, with early stage Hodgkin Lymphoma treated with induction chemotherapy. The study is performed in a non-inferiority setting comparing with a historical population-based consecutive Swedish material. The control group was treated according to the same principles, except that the radiotherapy was delivered with photons.
Mer information om studien för vårdgivare
•Age 18-50 years • Histological diagnosis of classic Hodgkin Lymphoma •Ann Arbour stage I-IIA •Both patients with and without risk factors, i.e. bulky disease, SR>50, more than two involved sites.
•Pregnancy•Serious concomitant systemic disorder endangering treatment delivery•More than 5mm tumour motion on 4DCT unless DIBH is used. •SD/PD after induction chemotherapy •Not able to comply with treatment and study procedures.
Fas 2
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Studien ändrades senast av: Mirella Wahl (2024-10-08)

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