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avslutad_HOVON 132 AML

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avslutad_HOVON 132 AML
HOVON 132 AML Fas-3 studie med en inledande dos-selektionsfas för att undersöka värdet av lenalidomid givet i tillägg till standard induktionskemoterapi, samt som post-remissionsbehandling, hos patienter 18-65 år med endera nyupptäckt akut myeloisk leukemi (AML) eller högrisk-MDS
Randomized study with a run-in dose-selection phase to assess the added value of lenalidomide in combination with standard remission-induction chemotherapy and post-remission treatment in patients aged 18-65 years with previously untreated acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or high risk myelodysplasia (MDS) (IPSS-R risk score > 4.5)
Fas 3-studie med en inledande dose - selektionsfas för att undersöka värdet av lenalidomid givet i tillägg till standard induktionskemoterapi, samt som post - remissionsbehandling, hos patienter 18-65 år med endera nyupptäckt AML (akut myeloisk leukemi) eller högrisk MDS (myelodysplastiskt syndrom)
Mer information om studien för vårdgivare
Age 18-65 years, inclusive ♦ Patients with o a diagnosis of AML and related precursor neoplasms according to WHO 2008 classification (excluding acute promyelocytic leukemia) including secondary AML (after an antecedent hematological disease (e.g. MDS) and therapy-related AML), or o acute leukem
♦ Previous therapy with lenalidomide ♦ Acute promyelocytic leukemia ♦ Myeloproliferative neoplasia ♦ Previous treatment for AML or high risk MDS (IPSS-R > 4.5), except hydroxyurea ♦ Concurrent history of active malignancy in two past years prior to diagnosis except for: o basal and squamous cel
Fas 3

Studien ändrades senast av: studysonia (2023-08-28)

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