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HD21 for Advanced Stages Treatment Optimization Trial in the First-line Treatment of Advanced Stage Hodgkin Lymphoma; Comparison of 6 Cycles of Escalated BEACOPP With 6 Cycles of BrECADD
Denna studie undersöker om patienter med nydiagnostiserat Hodgkins lymfom har nytta av att bli behandlade med en modifierad version av en standard-kombination av cytostatika (cellgift/kemoterapi).
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Histologically proven classical Hodgkin lymphoma. CS (PS) IIB with one or both of the following risk factors: a) Large mediastinal mass (≥ 1/3 of the maximum transverse thoracic diameter). b) Extranodal disease. Age at entry: 18 – 60 years. Patient has had no previous treatment for HL
Incomplete diagnosis of the disease stage. Cardiac insufficiency NYHA III or IV. QTc interval > 480 msec. Serious arterial hypertonia despite adequate medication. Any active systemic viral, bacterial, or fungal infection requiring systemic antibiotics at time of first study drug dose
Fas 3
Studien ändrades senast av: Akademiska sjukhus (2023-09-25)