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An Open-label Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Study to Determine Brain Exposure of Osimertinib after Intravenous Microdose Administration of [11C] osimertinib and Therapeutic Oral Doses of Osimertinib to Patients with EGFR Mutated Non-Small Lung Cancer and Brain Metastases
An Open-label Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Study to Determine Brain Exposure of Osimertinib after Intravenous Microdose Administration of [11C] osimertinib and Therapeutic Oral Doses of Osimertinib to Patients with EGFR Mutated Non-Small Lung Cancer and Brain Metastases
Mikro-dosering av Osimertinib och upprepade PET-hjärna för EGFR Muterade icke småcellig lungcancer. därefter fortsatt behandling med Osimertib.
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Studien ändrades senast av: studysonia (2019-03-21)