Register-based research databases

Linked research databases with national coverage are important tools for increasing knowledge about cancer diseases and for developing cancer care.

RCC can offer support for linking to other register sources, a process that must be coordinated with, among others, the National Board of Health and Welfare and Statistics Sweden. A large number of national quality registries in the field of cancer have already been linked to other registries. The collected amount of information is available in diagnosis-specific research databases from which researchers, after contacting the respective registry group, can apply for withdrawal.

National quality registers have been enriched with information from registers at the National Board of Health and Welfare (cancer register, cause of death register, patient register, drug register), Statistics Sweden (population register, LISA database) and the Social Insurance Agency's register.

Diagnosis-specific research databases

In the field of cancer, there are currently about ten research databases based on national quality registers.

  • Breast cancer – BCBaSe
  • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia – CML BaSe
  • Lung cancer – LC BaSe
  • Lymphoma – Lymphoma BaSe (under construction)
  • Myelodysplastic Syndrome – MDS BaSe
  • Kidney cancer – RCC BaSe
  • Penile cancer – PenCa BaSe
  • Prostate cancer – PC BaSe
  • Colon and rectal cancer – CRC BaSe
  • Bladder Cancer – Bladder BaSe

The name of the research database is an abbreviation of diagnosis+database+Sweden (for example BC BaSe).

If you would like more information, contact the register group for the current quality register. You will find contact details under the respective Cancer diagnosis and Quality Register.